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Malnutrition remains a significant public health concern in India, affecting a large section of its population. Despite progress in various sectors, the prevalence of malnutrition poses a formidable challenge to the country's development goals.Despite progress in recent years, India still faces high rates of undernutrition, particularly among children. Stunting (low height for age), wasting (low weight for height), and underweight continue to be prevalent. 

Micronutrient deficiencies, such as iron, vitamin A, and iodine, are widespread. These deficiencies can lead to various health issues, affecting physical and cognitive development. Paradoxically, India is also witnessing a rise in overnutrition, with an increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. This dual burden of malnutrition presents complex challenges for public health initiatives. Malnutrition rates vary across regions, with some states experiencing higher prevalence than others. Geographical disparities highlight the need for targeted interventions tailored to specific local contexts.

Addressing malnutrition in India requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses not only healthcare but also socio-economic, educational, and agricultural interventions. Government policies, community engagement, and international collaborations are crucial in tackling the root causes of malnutrition and breaking the cycle of poverty and ill health.

MANUVIKASA is actively addressing the pressing issue of malnutrition among adolescents through a targeted and comprehensive nutrition initiative. Our dedicated program involves the identification and nourishment of malnourished adolescents by providing them with a carefully curated selection of essential nutritional supplements.

The inclusion of protein-rich eggs ensures a high-quality source of protein, along with essential vitamins crucial for growth and development. Toor Daal, a nutritional powerhouse, contributes not only to protein intake but also offers fiber and a range of vital nutrients necessary for overall health.

Ground Nut Chikki serves as a delicious and energy-packed snack, delivering the nutritional benefits of groundnuts, which are rich in healthy fats and essential nutrients. Ghee, another integral component, provides a source of healthy fats that are essential for various physiological functions.

Recognizing the importance of comprehensive nutrition, our program also incorporates Protein Powder, offering a concentrated source of protein to further supplement and fortify the dietary intake of these adolescents.

Currently, MANUVIKASA targeting the Mundagod Block of Uttarakannada District of Karnataka State. Rural poor malnourished adolescents including both Boys and Girls of the age group between 10-19 are beneficiaries of this project. The expert team logs the height and weight, arm and chest circumference of selected Individuals every month and makes further analyses like BMI and BMR calculations. And also we are hosting Medical Camps with the support of the Government RBSK Team Specialized pediatrician. and Sanghamitra Rural Financial Services Limited is currently funding this project. We are also willing to extend this project to the other two blocks and open for collaboration.

Through the thoughtful combination of these nutritional supplements, MANUVIKASA aims to not only address malnutrition but also to empower adolescents with the vital nutrients essential for physical, cognitive, and overall well-being. This holistic approach reflects our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of these young individuals, providing them with the nutritional foundation necessary to thrive and realize their full potential.